
Sunday, September 17, 2017

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Why not create a brag tag that puts a positive spin on an “unfortunate event” that students may find worrisome, scary or just not normal? We came up with several ideas: extreme weather, lockdowns, fire drills and power outages all made the cut. But there are so many calamities in education that go unnoticed and really ought to be recognized with their own special brag tags…

Brag Tag Categories We Didn’t Do

Apocalyptic Events: 
Bio hazards (especially containing urine or uranium)
Anything to do with North Korea (the clip art could just be the haircut)
Zombie/vampire/werewolf takeovers and the accompanying merchandise
Climate change (a catchall category responsible for bad traffic, bad weather, bad hair, bad moods, bad Internet service, etc.).

Classroom Catastrophes: 
Puddles of unknown origin (also filed under biohazards)
Any bodily fluid no longer inside said body
Lice infestation
Working air conditioner—but only when outside temps are 60 degrees or below
Drop-in observations by anyone over four feet tall
Inside recess
Rodents mistaken for Despereaux
Spiders mistaken for Charlotte
Cancelled Fun Stuff which of course becomes fun once it is cancelled
Fidget spinners
Cell phones (theirs, not yours)
Helicopter parents
MIA parents
Parents who are teachers
Parents who are not teachers
Kids who eats boogers.

Just for Teachers (you deserve a brag tag…cuz you won’t be seeing a raise):
Didn’t curse even though sorely tested,
Unsuspecting parent took over the Scholastic book order
Day after Halloween is Student-Free Day
Staff meeting cancelled due to lack of interest
Back to School Night is over for another year!
You added a mid-year student who tests high on state testing
Your biggest behavior problem just changed schools.

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